Saturday, November 28, 2009

40K Failure!

Here is an image of what was left of the Biel-Tan host. The couple of guys in white uniforms in the upper left? Only Eldar left alive, everything else on the table was green and had huge tusks. Spectacular loss! 2 Wraithlords, an Avatar, a troupe of harlequins, 10 rangers, and 10 dire avengers got Waaghd to death. My kills consisted of a bunch of grots, a squadron of 4 deff kopters, and like 2 boyz mobz. Need to put more speed in my army against these damn greenskins!

First 40k smackdown!

So it's not my first smack down, but the first one with Lori, with my terrain. Oh yeah, and her first go at 40k. Here is the set-up. Observe the choke point right there in the middle...

Here is Loris Orkie hoard, ready to Waaaaggh all over my Eldar. Scary!

Here be my Eldar, trying to hide out, and stay in a position to shoot shoot shoot as long as possible...

Right off the bat, had a sweet plan involving shooting goblins, and then charging war-trakks. Not a very awesome plan, these chunky ass jalopies are covered in armor. The thick kind that my weak little space elves can't poke through :(

Here is what's left of the goblins I shot to shit though. Pretty awesome! After the Trakks I assaulted kind of just ignored me, I sent my Dire Avengers over here to stab them in they face holes.

This is the kind of mess that started to occur after midnight. Hordes of hardened greenies dog-piling my Avatar. Boooo!

So tomorrow, when I wake up, this is the cluster fuck of a fight I have to finish. Might be easier by the light of day. Really don't understand why I didn't apply the Risk "don't play after the sun goes down" rule of thumb.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Eldar terrain

I've been trying to build a set of Eldar specific terrain. Stuff that will give me a tactical advantage, like forests and sniper towers. Here are some pics of them, with my Avatar and a couple of Wraithlords standing by them. The other one is a fungi forest, originally built for Gorkamorka.


Just like Gorkamorka, all of my Necromunda terrain has disappeared over the years. This is a big problem, because in order to play Necromunda, you NEED multilayer industrial terrain. Therefore, I will now scratch build replacements out of foam core and junk bits. Here is the beginings of the first building.

Current gaming

It's been a loooong time since my last post. This is because life has become too chaotic to regularly schedule Dnd time. So now I've been focusing on all things relating to Warhammer 40K. I've been buying up and painting butt-loads of Eldar. The way I've been regulating my purchases has been to completely paint a purchase before going out and buying more. It's worked like a charm, I have like 2000 points completely painted.

Another thing I've been doing is making and painting terrain. It started with me needing an Ork fort for Gorkamorka. The original box came with one, but over the last fifteen years, that flimsy piece of cardboard has long since been thrown away. So here are some pics of the one I built.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Adventure Path

The gaming group is starting on Rise of the Runelords today. Finally, yay! We've been trying to play this for about a year or two. Two many chaotic life events got in the way. I'm playing a paladin.

Can't remember anyone ever playing a paladin in a game I ran. People just don't really like playing a guy who can't torture or maim for information. I think it will be an interesting experience. Force me to role play. At least enough to convince the rest of the party to hold back on the usual dungeoneering atrocities.

I think my initiative is low enough that when fights go down, it won't be me who throws the first blow. Think this will help with some moral dilemmas. Also, the ability to detect evil will help me wade through ethical conundrums.

Can't wait to shove my Great sword down a goblins throat. That is totally acceptable good guy behavior.

Monday, August 31, 2009


So last night our whole party died. A couple of sessions ago, our rogue got bitten by a Vargouille. My cleric wasn't high enough level to cure disease her, so we had to go deeper into the dungeon with out rest to find the Mcguffin to cure her. The Kobold King and his chainsaw wielding guard laid us low. Oh well, that's an acceptable risk when playing. Now I get to make a new character, Huzzah!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


It seems like Sundays as gaming days are ramping up again as fall looms near. Tonight is Jum-jums game. Yay! Changing all of our 3.5 characters over to pathfinder. Now my evil gnomish cleric can generate a flipping death field! I took a feat so that the party won't get melted by it, but everything else that isn't undead? I'm like the arc of the flippen covenant.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dungeoneering movies

Just finished watching Raw Meat (Death Line in the UK). I've been hearing about this movie for years from both my parents. See, when we start talking about obscure and bizarre movies, this one always comes up. They saw it on one of their earliest dates, and couldn't remember the title. All they could remember is that it involved cannibals in the sewers, and that all they could say was "Maah dee daaaah"

So I found it, through a guy I work with who is also all about obscure music and movies. It's all that's good about seventies horror, and British to boot. Kinda like the Abominable Dr. Phibes.

So back to dungeoneering, the whole movie is centered around these cannibals. Subway workers who were trapped in the 1890's and have been living off of each other and anyone they can get their hands on. So they have a sweet dungeon complex. Sweet in the "reasonable ecology of a dungeon" sort of way.

They've got living areas (well, a cot, a booze still, and lamps), a tomb (full of loot covered dead cannibals), a "pantry", a means of exit/entry, a reason for being down there, and a ton of rats.

Mainly, the dungeoneering aspect is best represented by the imagery, and reactions of the police when they get down there. Just to see how normals might react to a critter lair. Cuz these flesh eating limeys weren't too far removed from orcs, morlocks, or measels.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Do not play after dinner!

Finally got to play Talisman last night! This is a game I have been wanting to play for as long as I could remember. During the peak of my game buying days, this bad boy was out of print. By the time it had came back into print, my interest had waned considerably. Lucky for me, Jum bought a copy.

We all knew this game would take a long time to play. Hours and hours, by all accounts. When dealing with a game like that, you need to start it in the afternoon, make a day of it. Not gonna happen. Nobody wants to sit down to play a game before seven o' clock. That's just the way things go.

So after dinner, and with beers, we tried to blast through this one. Of course everyone was going to get too tired to finish. It was loads of fun though, and I keep obsessing about playing it again. Even though we didn't finish, we at least learned how to play, and got a handle on what it would take to win.

I read that they are going to start releasing expansions for it, like Talisman Dungeon. The only expansion I want to play is Timescape. That's the one least likely to get released. Guess I'm never going to get to play as a Chainsaw Warrior or Astropath.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Labyrinths and Lizards!

Jum and I drove out to Champaign to play in Labyrinth Lord at the Armored Gopher. Been wanting to do that for a while, the two and a half hour drive was a bit of a deterrent. We both played in J. Rients Big Stupid Dungeon Party at Winter War in 08, and had been itching to do some more of his brand of dungeon crawling. We both made up characters before hand, but ditched them to see what we could roll up on the fly.

Jum rolled up a fighter, with a scottish name. Seamus I think? I made a dwarf with 6 strength, Fonkin Wurp. With a six strength, I figured my role would be to shoot a crossbow and set off traps. We each got a random bit of useful gear. I got leather armor +1, Jum got a net. The net never got used, surprisingly. My fifty feet of rope got used tons though. Another party member swung me by it as a weapon, and a pair of kobolds we captured ended up being tied to each end.

I think four other players showed up besides me and Jum, to make a beefy six man party. Spent the night attacking shit, making jokes, and getting loot. That is gaming right there. I've decided I really couldn't give a hoot about "Roleplaying" unless it's funny. Crunchy tactical combat systems are a bore as well. If I wanted to play hero clicks while occasionally using funny voices, that's what I would do.

Might take Thursday off next time to make it out there, hopefully hit second level before we get a TPK. Which I am looking forward to. Lets you know the stakes are high when everyone dies!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Football for dorks

Played a game of Blood bowl tonight. It's been years since I've even thought about playing. In the mid nineties, a buddy of mine convinced me to buy a team. We were going to play at a league up at Excalibur in Merrilliville. That never panned out, just ended up buying a skaven team and playing a few games with him against his undead team.

Blood bowl was also another reason to make an excursion up to Friends Hobby back in the day. Even now, when I play any older game, it becomes a reason to make a trip up there. This is a hobby shop run by pack rats. I mean that in the nicest way, because they still have EVERYTHING. Silent death minis, Al-Quadim boxed sets, Avalon hill wargames, man, it's mind boggling.

Anyway, we went up there in about 1994, he got the hardback blood bowl companion, I bought a couple blisters of star players. I like how they used to package them, in a blister labeled star players. You got a random assortment, so if you were playing skaven, too bad, you got one mutant, frankenstein, and a dark elf. I believe we used some sort of variant from there to play dungeonbowl? It's been a long time, memory is foggy on that.

About the Blood bowl tonight. It was Orks vs. Orks, and I got mah Teef kicked in. My guys spent the whole game flat on their backs. It was fun regardless. All kindsa chances for fumbling and game changing events. Feels good to foul a player when they are down, step on their squishy parts when the ref isn't looking.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Palladium, now with less Rifts!

One of my FLGS, Critical Effect, has specialized in gaming. No comics, few collectible toys, just gaming gaming gaming. It has a back room, and two wargaming tables with a respectable amount of awesome looking terrain. They seem to have something going on every night, and last night, it was Palladium fantasy.

Played Palladium fantasy once before, ran by Jum Jum. Figured if I was going to go play, he was the one I would get to tag along. Didn't get around to making a character before hand, so just whipped up one right there at the store. Preist of Light! Yay goodie two shoes!

The pre-existing party was made up of a troll, and elf, and a "human". Mmmhmm, changeling. Does every PalFan party have one? Jum rolled up a Long bowman, so we joined this party as the most vanilla human duo ever. Had to hunt down an alchemist, led to some mishaps with teleportation circles and monster infested sewers. Good times. At one point the "human" decided to sneak into the palace and impersonate the king while the rest of us tried to find the alchemist.

Think my opinions on player death have shifted GREATLY in the past few years. I like it, and I like it alot. Not in the gm vs. player punishment sort of way, but a way to affirm reality. Impersonating a bar keep? No biggie. The king? Your dead. He is the king after all. The style of the game seemed to be more of a free form by the seat of your pants thing. Death occurs less frequently in that sort, just by the fluidity of outcomes and events. I guess death would be a gm induced punishment in free form style.