Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hook horror!

I bought a couple of boxes of Dungeons of Dread, the new DnD mini set. Lucky me! I scored a hook horror, not accurately represented on the left. No, that over there is one of the damn coolest toys ever. Meaning I never owned it, other wise it wouldn't be so cool. This is one I desired greatly, but never acquired.

The hook horror seemed to be one of the most important DnD monsters to me as a kid, for three reasons. It had a toy, a whole bunch of them were featured in the cartoon, and I had the stats in the only monster book I owned, the fiend folio. Having only the fiend folio and the players hand book (both scored in a bargain rack at Kaybee toys) gave me a strange, skewed vision of how to play DnD. I had to cobble together the rules from those two books, maybe one of the books from the basic set, and an adventure written for the expert rules (Quagmire!). Occasionally I would check out the dungeon masters guide from the library, but that tended to muddle and confuse more than help. When I finally started earning enough allowance to start to buy the needed books, seemed like all of the ones I needed were never in stock. Probably because they were out of print. Second edition was soon to be released!


Infamous Jum said...

I must have the exact same packs as you. I got a dire wolf and hook horror too. I'll probably buy a case once I've paid for my car insurance. They gots a Beeeeeholder!

skeleri said...

Also got a wyvern. As usual, a few months too late. Pretty sure one of 'em chased you guys down on the way to fight tounge eater the were-baboon.

Infamous Jum said...

Yeah thats right. And I also have a wyvern. Seriously, thats creepy.

skeleri said...

Hrmm, we will have to compare fully today. Get to the bottom of this anomaly!