Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Parlainth

Last post really felt incomplete, so I'm gonna revisit the boxed set. Still strong smell in it, I'm hoping the more I open it, the better it will smell. The smell I would prefer is rotting paper, like the funk given off by the 1st ed. AD&D books. Maybe even the sweet ink smell that books with lots of color illustrations seem to emanate.

The box contains two punch out card sheets of monsters and magic items detailed in the enclosed campaign book. Awesome idea, I'm glad Paizo is running with this now. The one pictured on the left is the Butterspider Box. It's a beat up rusty tin box with a lump of lard in the shape of a wolfspider inside of it. When you touch the spider, you heal, and it melts. This is one of my favorite magic items ever. That is some flavor right there (lard flavor at least). Makes a healing potion look lazy and weak. The illustration doesn't make the box look all beat up. It makes it look like a eldrich rune encrusted obvious artifact. The real shape of it makes it look like some sort of random flea market junk. Something a compulsive hoarder would store with all of their mason jars and christmas cards.


May said...

Aww, I wouldn't want to use that cause it's so cute. I'd be bleeding out and I wouldn't touch it, because I wouldn't want it to melt. The card thing is cool though, seems like forever ago that we all played that. It would be cool to give that another run, it's one of my favorite worlds.

skeleri said...

Yeah, it was a pretty colorful setting. It would be fun to try to hunt down all of the out of print source books for it. Gonna have to try to dig up your old tskrang nethermancer.

May said...

Oh man that would be sweet! I loved that character!

Infamous Jum said...

I also would like some butter. Spiders. Ah hell, I just want to eat some butter. Is that a game?

skeleri said...

Butterquest! Avalon Hill, 1979