Monday, August 25, 2008

Magic Abuser

I'm playing a wizard in ol' Jum-Jums game. What I have learned so far, is wizards shoot from the hip with the wands. Like pointy hatted gunslingers, they make with the wand action. Zero level spells are for usage against NPCs that annoy you. Those area affect damage spells that annoy other classes will destroy a mage. Having a limited spell book is more appealing to me than having to sift through the entire spell list every time I pick spells. Ignore your familiar, and hopefully the DM will too. You can never have too many scrolls.


Infamous Jum said...

Hey, thanks for reminding me! Your toad is completely dead as a result of the Ice Storm. Which is what I would have said, had I remembered. Really, my view is this: if your familiar is your buddy, if you roleplayed it up, if you sent your familiar moving around away from you to do stuff, then it dies. It dies because it becomes another piece on the board. Otherwise, it might as well be a god damn plastic toy. It might as well be a tattoo.

Let me ask you this: would you rather try the item familiar thing from the Pathfinder rpg?

skeleri said...

Can I make a little protective sphere for him? Like put him inside an adamantine helmet I carry around like an incense burner? That is rough though, area effect spells with no save will just up and kill them.

Infamous Jum said...

If he's in a shell of some sort, I would rule more than likely that the damage is dealt to the shell, until the shell is destroyed.

skeleri said...

Hrmm, was it Oldimarra that had the armadillo shell? Maybe I could have a combo holy symbol of oldimarra/familiar protector.